You’ve probably seen those rumors on the internet that in March 2025 there will be no SSI payments. Yes, it’s true… but don’t worry, it’s not that your benefits are going to disappear. The thing is that the Social Security Administration (SSA) is just playing with the calendar, and here I explain without nonsense why this happens and how it affects you.
Why is March left without SSI payment?
It turns out that SSI payments always fall on the first day of every month. But there is a rule: if the 1st is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the money arrives earlier, that is, on the last business day of the previous month. And right in March 2025, the 1st is Saturday, so wham! Your March payment will arrive… in February! Specifically, on Friday, February 28.
Sound familiar? Because this already happened in February 2025. Since February 1st was a Saturday, the payment was brought forward to January 31st. That is, in January you received two payments in a row (January and February), and in March… none. But it’s not a mistake, it’s just the calendar doing its thing.
And why is the SSA making these changes?
Well, according to them, it’s to prevent people from being left hanging if payday falls on a weekend. Imagine: if the 1st is Sunday and the payment is delayed until Monday, you could have problems paying bills. Better to send it earlier, right? So everyone breathes easy.
But be careful, this only applies to those who receive only SSI. If you combine SSI with Social Security (retirement, disability, etc.), your date may be different. For example, in February 2025, this group will get paid on Monday, February 3rd. Confused? A little, but the SSA calls it “organization.”
Let’s talk about money: How much will it be in 2025?
So that you don’t make movies, the maximum amounts are like this:
- If you are alone: $967 per month.
- If you are a couple and you both receive SSI: $1,450 per month.
- If you are an essential support person (such as someone caring for a beneficiary): $484 per month.
These figures are fixed for the entire year, so you can plan your budget in advance. Of course, if you have other aid or income, the amount could vary. But that is a topic for another conversation.
What if the money doesn’t arrive? Steps to not despair
First rule: don’t go into panic mode if you don’t see the deposit on the exact day. The SSA asks that you wait three business days (yes, counting Monday to Friday without holidays) before making a move. In the meantime, check carefully:
- Do you have your bank account updated in the SSA system?
- Doesn’t your bank have technical problems? (Sometimes the app crashes and you don’t even realize it).
If all else fails, call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. The hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern time), Monday through Friday. Have your Social Security number and documents on hand in case they ask. And if you are one of those who prefer the internet, go to and create an account (or log in if you already have one). There you will see the payment history, dates, and you can even report problems.
An extra trick: Write down key dates. So that you are not caught off guard, here are the strange dates for 2025. January 31, was the February payment (because the 1st falls on a Saturday), then February 28 is March’s payment (the 1st is Saturday again). Furthermore, April 1st we return to normal (unless the 1st is a holiday, but that doesn’t happen in April).