Social Security Payments Start This Week: When Will You Get Your Money?

Starting this week, Social Security payments for all beneficiary groups will be sent on the dates set by the SSA. Find out when the money will arrive in your hands.

april 2024 pay dates ssa

The Social Security payments in April 2024

The Social Security Administration makes payments on time every month, and the system is responsible for paying their respective benefits to retirees, who are those people who have worked and contributed to Social Security during a certain period, have accumulated an amount of so-called “work credits” and have reached their retirement age.

Disability pensioners, people who are unable to work due to a severe disability, are also paid: these people must also have contributed to Social Security for a minimum time in order to enjoy this benefit. Other payments are made to dependents, which are the spouses, children, or parents of retirees or disability pensioners who meet certain requirements. Finally, this month you will see your payments on the dates that we will tell you about the survivors of deceased beneficiaries, and those who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), that is, people with low income and disability or who are over 65 years old.

What’s My Social Security Payment Date in April 2024?

For people who qualify this month to receive SSI payments, the check should have already arrived (or at least be on its way to your door) and, if your option is the bank deposit, it was already processed on the date April 1st.

The retirement payments and the rest of the mentioned beneficiary groups are scheduled to be paid on the following dates:

Your payment date is revealed: Know when you’ll get your money.

Maximum Social Security Deposits You Could Expect in April 2024

The cost of living adjustment (COLA) is a mechanism used to adjust social security and pension payments to reflect changes in the cost of living. This adjustment is made periodically, usually annually, and is based on economic indices that measure inflation and other factors that affect the cost of living of the population.

The main purpose of the COLA is to ensure that social benefits maintain their purchasing power in the face of changes in the prices of basic goods and services.

With the COLA increase of 2024, which was 3.2%, the maximum payments were as follows:

More Americans Encouraged to Apply to Supplemental Security Income

Most people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments are elderly or severely disabled. More than 25% are elderly people, 15% are children with disabilities and the rest are adults with significant disabilities. Due to their limited income, only families with a child with a disability can qualify. Adult applicants must meet strict income limits, which include having less than $2,000 or $3,000 in bookable funds for a couple.

To receive SSI payments, applicants must have serious medical conditions according to the law, such as physical or mental disability that is expected to last at least 12 months or cause death, according to medical documentation. Adults must also prove that they cannot work in meaningful jobs anywhere in the economy, regardless of whether there are vacancies or if they would be hired.

The SSA encourages qualifying Americans and legal residents (that comply to specific requirements) to apply for SSI benefits, by visiting the next official website.

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