Texas SNAP Benefits: Up to $1,756 Delivered for Qualifying Recipients This Week

Texan families are in line to receive their food stamps allotments corresponding to the month of February 2025

Texas SNAP benefits

Texas SNAP benefits

In the state of Texas, new food stamp payments, known as SNAP benefits, are being sent out this week. If your household was certified before June 1, 2020, SNAP benefits arrive between the 1st and 15th of each month. How do you know when exactly? Easy: look at the last digit of your Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) number. There is the key.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP benefits) is a helping hand from the federal government so people can buy healthy food and stay well-nourished. The state of Texas sends benefits of up to $1,756. Yes, you read that right, a good pantry aid for those who qualify for that maximum amount.

SNAP benefits in Texas: how payments are distributed and when you will receive in February

Although the US Department of Agriculture is in charge of the program, each state puts its own spin on it. In Texas, the system is run by Texas Health and Human Services, and benefits come to you through the legendary Lone Star Card. Basically, it is an EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card that works like a debit card.

With it, you can buy basic foods such as bread, meat, fruits, vegetables and more. Of course, forget about using it for hot foods, alcohol, tobacco, or paying bills. This is not accepted and could lead to the suspension of your assignments.

Who can apply for this amount? Low-income households or people without work. But be careful, if you are between 18 and 52 years old, there are some extra rules, such as looking for work or time limits to receive benefits. Although, if you are pregnant or have a disability, these rules do not apply to you.

Here are the maximum amounts you can receive in Texas (and they are valid until September 30, 2025):

Texas distributes payments between the 1st and 28th of each month. The closest dates are as follows (for homes that were certified before June 1, 2020): 

For households that were certified on or after June 1, 2020, Texas sends benefits between the 16th and 28th of every month, based on the last two digits of your Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) number.

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