Texas Will Send SNAP Benefits Payments Starting July 1: There Are Two Groups of Beneficiaries

There are two ways to group SNAP beneficiaries in Texas, which determines when you will receive your payments.

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Texas delivers SNAP benefits payments from July 1st through July 28th

Millions of beneficiaries in the great state of Texas receive their SNAP benefits each month on one of the 28 payment days that Texas Health and Human Services (HHS), however, there are two ways in which beneficiary groups are assigned to one day in the month. 

People whose applications for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP benefits) were approved before June 1, 2020, receive payments based on the last digit of their EGT (eligibility determination group), and have their deposits sent to their Lone Star Card (the name the card EBT received in Texas) between the 1st and 15th of the month, as follows:

SNAP Dates in Texas for Those Approved After June 1, 2020

This is the second group of food stamp beneficiaries, which are grouped using the last two numbers of the SNAP EDG, as follows:

Maximum SNAP Benefits You Can Receive in Texas

The SNAP benefits program in the state of Texas follows federal values, meaning the maximum that a household can receive is governed by the parameters of the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):

(Household size and maximum monthly allotment)

The Lone Star Card is the Texas’ name for the SNAP benefits EBT Card

SNAP Dates in Every State and Territory

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