Summer EBT Now Available in Illinois: 1 Million Children to Get $120 Each

A one-time payment is set to be disbursed among over 1 million qualifying children in the state of Illinois.

summer ebt sun bucks illinois

The summer SNAP EBT benefits will be available in Illionis.

State officials implemented the summer EBT program for this season in the state of Illinois, which provides money to low-income families with school-age children. These funds are used to buy food during the summer months, when children do not attend school and, therefore, do not receive food in the school canteens.

The Summer Benefits Electronic Transfer Program, also known as SUN Bucks, provides low-income families with $120 in a one-time payment to buy food during summer months. The state of Illinois is one of the first to initiate this initiative, as officials said it is a significant need for the state program. It is estimated that more than one million children will receive assistance with these meals this summer in the state of Illinois.

The SUN Bucks Program in Illinois

SUN Bucks will come in the form of pre-loaded EBT cards and will reach the families most in need. Most of the children who need the help of this summer EBT program are already identified and will not even need to complete an application: they are automatically chosen to receive the $120. However, there are a number of conditions that make a family need to complete an application for SUN Bucks and they are as follows:

The SUN Bucks program to be available in Illinois.

Other States That Will Participate in the Summer EBT — SUN Bucks Program

Most states, territories, and tribes in the United States have signed up for the EBT 2024 summer program. The list is as follows:

A few states decided not to participate in this program for various reasons. Each state provided its own reasons for withdrawing from the program at least for this year. These are:

The Summer EBTs are similar to the P-EBT program, i.e. pandemic EBTs, which were issued as an extraordinary emergency measure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many children who automatically received P-EBT will not need to submit an application to receive Summer EBT.

Who is eligible for Summer EBT/SUN Bucks?

Children are automatically considered eligible if their household receives SNAP (food stamps). Children are also automatically eligible in most states if your household receives:

For children who are not automatically eligible (those who must submit an application) their household must be below 185% of the federal poverty line.

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