Here’s Why the SSA Advanced March Supplemental Security Income Payments

The SSA explains why some recipients will get their benefits earlier than it usually happens

SSI Benefits: March Updates

SSI Benefits: March Updates

Do you like it when money appears sooner in your account? Well we have good news! In 2025, several Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments will arrive a day (or up to a month) earlier than usual. For example, in March, the deposit will drop on February 28. The reason is that the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not send payments on weekends and holidays.

So now you know: check the dates carefully so you don’t get caught off guard. SSI is that monthly help from the US government for adults over 65, people with disabilities or minors in special situations. Basically, it is a financial lifeline to cover basic expenses when income is tight. The best thing: it’s not a loan, so you don’t have to pay it back. Sounds good right?

What do you need to qualify to SSI?

First, the basics: be a citizen or legal resident. It doesn’t matter if you have never worked or if your work history is short. What does matter is meeting income and resource limits. If you have a partner and live together, even better: you can apply together and receive more money. Are you over 65, have a disability, or care for someone with special needs? You could be eligible.

For 2025, the maximum individual SSI amount is $976 per month. If you apply with your partner, the total rises to $1,450. And if you need to cover essential disability care expenses, there is an extra of up to $484. Sure, these numbers may vary depending on your situation, but it’s something, right?

The question of early dates: what the SSA explains

Typically, SSI arrives on the first day of each month. But if that day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, they move it to the previous Friday. For example, in February 2025, the payment arrived on January 31. In March, it’s time again: since the 1st is a Saturday, the money will drop on February 28.

The same will happen in May, September, November, and December (the latter will even advance the payment from January 2026 to the 31st).

What about Social Security payments for retirees?

Ah, here you have to be careful. If you receive both benefits (SSI and retirement), or if you claimed your benefits before May 1997, your March payment will arrive on March 3. For the rest, the calendar is like this:

What do I do if the money does not appear?

First, don’t panic. Check your Social Security account at or call 1-800-772-1213 (Monday through Friday, 7 am to 7 pm). Have your Social Security number handy and verify that your direct deposit information is up to date. If there was an error, they will help you resolve it.

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