The Social Security Administration (SSA) has already confirmed the payment rounds for the different benefits, including Social Security Disability Insurance (abbreviated as SSDI). Some may qualify to receive up to $4,018, but we will tell you later how to earn that amount.
The SSA only provides the highest payments to workers who meet certain work requirements in the United States who, to begin with, must have worked at least 35 years, have applied for benefits at a minimum required age, and have contributed from a legal job their respective Social Security taxes.
The problem, however, is that many workers with disabilities have no control over when they apply. Once their disability becomes apparent, they may be forced to apply for SSDI payments with no other option.
Amounts average SSDI payments and payment dates
But all eligible American workers have the right to claim SSDI benefits, precisely when their disability prevents them from performing gainful work. This will allow you to receive monthly payments until you recover; Otherwise, those payments will automatically be converted into retirement benefits (but this is another process that we will not analyze in depth).
If you are not eligible to receive the maximum $4,018 Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payment, you may be eligible for an average payment. In reality, the average payment as of October 2024 stands at $1,542. With the 2025 cost of living adjustment (COLA), SSDI payments are expected to increase by approximately $38, bringing the new average amount to about $1,580.
Three SSDI payments coming in February
The three payments for February 2025 are already established for the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of the month. The first payment is on February 12 and is for beneficiaries who have a birthday between the 1st and the 10th of any month.
The second payment is for beneficiaries who turn their birthday between the 11th and 20th of any month, and is established for the third Wednesday of which is February 19. Furthermore, the last payment is for beneficiaries whose birthday is after the 21st of any month, and their payment date is February 26.
Although it would usually be the last payment of the month, those who also receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will see their March payment advanced by February 28, because March 1 (the official date) falls on a weekend, and the SSA does not make payments on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays.