Changes to SSDI Benefits: Increased Amounts, Eligibility and More for Disabled Workers

Workers with disabilities receiving the SSDI benefits are already wondering what their February dates will be: here they are

SSDI Benefits - February Dates

SSDI Benefits - February Dates

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has updated SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) beneficiaries for fiscal year 2025, increasing the maximum payment to $4,018. The specific amount a person receives depends on their average earnings during their working life before disability. Those with higher incomes and more years of contributions tend to receive higher amounts.

To qualify for the maximum amount, beneficiaries must have worked for many years and reached the maximum Social Security tax limit (FICA) on multiple occasions, accumulating income high enough to pay maximum Social Security taxes for at least 35 years. This comes with a work credit requirement, which generally involves having earned 40 credits (circa 10 years of work).

For beneficiaries who also receive SSI, the maximum payment has been set at $967 for an individual, $1,450 for a couple, and $484 for an essential support person, all for the year 2025.

Social Security Disability payment dates in February: confirmed dates

The January payment schedule for SSDI beneficiaries recently culminated with the payment for the third group, which includes those with birthdates between the 21st and 31st of any month, made on January 23. Payments for the month of February will follow their usual schedule, with no changes to SSDI payment dates (which coincide with retirement dates).

SSI payments, on the other hand, will see adjustments detailed later. The distribution of SSDI payments is done into three main groups based on date of birth, with you receiving your benefits on the second, third, or fourth Wednesday of each month. In February, SSDI payments will be distributed on the following dates:

If you also receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, the next payment has been moved up to February 28, since the original date originally set was Saturday, March 1: however, the SSA does not send payments on weekends nor holidays. This also happened with the January payment, which was sent on January 31st instead of February 1st.

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