Supplemental Security Income (SSI) did not have a disbursement in March 2025 due to the payment schedule. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), when the first day of the month is a non-business day, payment is advanced to the last previous business day. March 1st was a Saturday, so the deposit was made on February 28th.
This policy seeks to guarantee timely access to funds through direct deposits or cards. Some recipients may be confused about receiving the March payment in February, affecting their financial planning. “No additional payment was reported in March,” the SSA confirmed on March 3, 2025.
Maximum SSI Benefit Amounts for 2025
According to data revealed by the SSA itself, the maximum amounts for the Supplemental Security Income program currently include the cost of living adjustment (COLA), which for this year was 2.5%. This is an increase that is applied every year so that beneficiaries do not lose purchasing power.
For an individual applying for SSI alone, the maximum amount is $967 per month, while for a couple, the program provides up to $1,450.
Finally, for payment for an essential person, up to a maximum of $484 can be requested. The essential person figure, in force since before 1974, increases the benefit by $90 per month since last year. It only applies to caregivers who lived with the beneficiary since December 1973, without being eligible for SSI then. Currently, no new cases are recognized under this criterion.
Some rules that apply to the Supplemental Security Income program
SSI reductions are applied differently depending on the beneficiary’s source of income. For earned income, for every two dollars earned, SSI is reduced by one dollar. That is, not the entire amount earned is deducted, but half. On the other hand, unearned income has a direct impact on the SSI payment, since for every dollar received, the benefit is reduced by the same amount.
Federal rules governing SSI establish that one of the fundamental requirements to maintain eligibility is having limited resources. This means that beneficiaries must meet certain income and asset thresholds to qualify for financial aid.
The SSA recommends checking payment dates on its portal or calling 1-800-772-1213. Changes in living situation, such as sharing housing without splitting expenses, can reduce the benefit up to $342.33. “We cover only basic needs,” indicates an official statement.