New Social Security Payment of up to $943 Goes Out NOW: Are You Among the Beneficiaries?

Find the date your Social Security benefit will arrive this month, whether it's SSI or retirement payment.

social security ssi april2024

Social Security Payments to Be Sent in April 2024

April’s monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment, delivered by the Social Security, which amounts to up to $943 for individual recipients, will be sent to millions of beneficiaries as soon as the month of April kicks off. The next payment for people who receive this benefit will be sent by the Social Security Administration on April 1, and is intended for those people who are struggling with a severe, debilitating or severe disability, which affects their ability to perform a gainful activity, as established by the SSA.

The maximum monthly amount each person receives depends on the category under which the benefit was applied for and approved. People who live with Social Security SSI beneficiaries and who take care of them partially or permanently also qualify for a monthly outlay under the “essential person” category.

Who Will Get This SSI Payment in April 2024?

In order to qualify and be able to claim these Social Security payments, it is mandatory to meet certain criteria. The person must be at least partially blind, or have a physical or mental condition that significantly limits their daily activities for a period of at least 12 months, or that is expected to result in death.

The SSI program was created in 1974 with the purpose of providing additional support to vulnerable people, including the elderly and those with severe disabilities. It’s intended to provide a minimum income, which is supplemented by state assistance programs to guarantee greater economic well-being to those who need it.

SSI payments in April 2024

Other Social Security Payments to Come in April 2024?

Other Social Security payments include retirees age 65 and older, or survivors of deceased claimants. Due to the diversity of beneficiaries and the billions of dollars distributed by the SSA, payments are not made on the same date so as not to saturate the system, and thus distribute the payment service over several days in the month. I mean, nobody wants the system to be clogged and getting collapsed, right?

The payment date for each individual receiving benefits is determined by numerous factors, such as the type of benefit they receive, their date of birth, and whether they reside in the United States or in another country.

For example, SSI and Social Security payments for claimants prior to May 1997 will be made on April 1, as well as for those claiming Social Security and living outside the United States. Those who receive benefits from both programs will see their payments on April 1st and 3rd respectively.

After those deposits and paper checks are sent, the payments are distributed according to each person’s birthday: from April 1 to 10 for those who turn out between the first and the tenth day of their birth month: on April 10; from April 11 to 20, the payment will be on April 17; and from the 21st to the 31st of any month, payment will be made on April 24.

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