SNAP Benefits About to Finish — States Delivering the Last Food Stamps This Month

As of today, 13 states are still delivering SNAP benefits allotments to millions of beneficiaries: up to $1,751 for some families

snap benefits august 2024 last states

Last states delivering food stamps in August

As the end of August approaches, citizens in 13 states and territories of the United States are preparing to receive their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payments this Sunday. 

This healthy and nutritious eating program is one of the largest and best-known initiatives in the country to combat hunger, with the aim of assisting millions of people, including children, the elderly and people with disabilities, from the lowest-income social groups.

How to Apply for SNAP Benefits?

To apply for SNAP benefits, the process can be completed both online and at the appropriate state offices. The application process requires participation in interviews and verification of income, debt, and other eligibility requirements. 

Benefits are distributed through electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards, which operate similarly to a debit card and can be used at supermarkets and grocery stores that accept these types of payments, including online stores, but We will talk about that later in this article. 

How Much Will SNAP Beneficairies Receive This Month?

The maximum benefit amount for a household of eight people is $1,751 per month. To be eligible, a household’s monthly income must not exceed 130% of the federal poverty line, which is equivalent to $2,072. Consider that the administration and distribution of these benefits varies by state, region, and district.

In some states or territories, payments are distributed based on the number assigned to the applicant, while in others they are based on the initial letter of their last name.

Here are the maximum allotments for SNAP in the 48 contiguous states and D.C. (Oct. 2023 to Sep. 2024), according to the USDA website:

As of April 2023, approximately 41 million Americans, representing 12.6% of the country’s total population, received SNAP benefits. This percentage varies between states, with some reaching a high of 12.6% and others reaching a low of 4.6%. 

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the entity responsible for administering the program, having invested more than $80 billion in 2023, which represented 67.8% of total spending on food and nutrition assistance in that year. . 

Low-income families enrolled in the program receive a monthly
stipend based on the number of people in the household.

The specific date of receipt of payments is a crucial aspect for those participating in government programs, since each state follows its own payment schedule. 

Last August’s allotments of SNAP Benefits

States Sending Their Last SNAP Allotments in August 2024

According to the monthly SNAP issuance schedule for 2024, states that will deliver benefits of up to $1,751 this week include Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Puerto Rico, and Texas.

Distribution dates vary within the month, with some states beginning to issue payments as early as August 1 and others extending until the 28th of the same month:

  1. Alabama: August 4-23
  2. Delaware: August 2-23
  3. Florida: August 1 to 28
  4. Georgia: from 5 to 23 August
  5. Illinois: August 1st to 20th
  6. Indiana: August 5th to 23rd
  7. Louisiana: August 1-23
  8. Maryland: August 4-23
  9. Missouri: August 1-22
  10. North Carolina: August 3-21
  11. Ohio: August 2-20
  12. Puerto Rico: August 4 to 22
  13. Texas: August 1 to 28

Shop Online With Your SNAP Benefits

Hundreds of stores in the United States accept EBT cards on their websites, to purchase groceries approved by the USDA to purchase with food stamp funds. Here is a list of the most relevant ones, but you can consult the complete list on the agency’s website:

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