New SNAP Benefits Approved in Texas — Millions of Dollars to Be Disbursed This Week

If you are a SNAP benefits recipient, you may receive your payments this week.

texas snap dates june 2024

SNAP Benefits in Texas: June Dates Just Revealed

In the great state of Texas, which has one of the largest populations of SNAP beneficiaries in the United States, a new food stamps payment schedule has begun since the first of June. Eligible households can receive their benefits through the Lone Star Card, also known as the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card in this state.

The day SNAP benefits are issued in Texas depends on the last two digits of the SNAP EDG number. During the week of Saturday, June 8th, these are the beneficiary groups that will receive their deposits:

When Will I Receive My First SNAP Benefits Deposit in Texas?

For new beneficiaries in Texas, the time to receive the first food stamps on your EBT card varies depending on different factors. In general, if the application is regular and there are no problems, delays, lack of information or errors, the process takes no more than 30 days. However, urgent requests, for families at serious food risk, can be approved and issued in a maximum of 7 days.

For applications certified before May 1, 2023, the benefit issuance schedule remains the same. But for applications certified after that date, a new issuance adjustment period applies until the benefits are aligned with the new monthly schedule.

The Texas’ HHS Will Notify You

You will receive written notifications to your postal address or email included in the application about the decision of your case: approved, denied, postponed or requesting more documents or corrections in the original application.

Once approved to receive SNAP benefits, you will receive your own EBT card that you can use at hundreds of affiliated merchants in Texas to buy fresh or frozen food for your family. Please note that products such as alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, pet food, among others, cannot be purchased.

You can apply through the Texas Department of Human Services (HHS) on their website or contact the beneficiary care service at 1-800-252-5673.

Learn More: Lost SNAP Benefits in Texas: Storm-Hit Families Will Get Their Funds Replaced

Remember to review the maximum allowances for SNAP benefits in 2024, to determine how much does your household qualify for:

Family size Monthly SNAP amount
1 $291
2 $535
3 $766
4 $973
5 $1,155
6 $1,386
7 $1,532
8 $1,751
For each additional person, add: $219

Keep in mind that SNAP benefits were created to help the neediest, so they are intended to be allocated to those families with limited resources. The income limits to qualify for SNAP benefits in the state of Texas in 2024 are as follows:

Family size Maximum monthly income
1 $2,005
2 $2,712
3 $3,419
4 $4,125
5 $4,832
For each additional person, add: $707
The Texas HSSC manages the SNAP benefits in the state.

SNAP Work Rules in Texas

Another important rule to consider is that people between the ages of 16 and 59 (known as Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents, or ABAWDs) must follow certain established work rules to get SNAP benefits. These work rules mean that a person must at least be looking for work or be in a work program approved by the HSSC. If the person applying for these food stamps has a job, he cannot leave it without a valid reason accepted by the agency.

Unless someone is exempt, there are work requirements that must be met to receive, or continue to receive, SNAP benefits longer than three months:

The work requirement is met by either:

Exemptions to the SNAP Work Rules:

Start applying for your benefits in the following official website: Do not apply in any other website or place that’s not approved by the Texas’ HSSC.

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