Social Security Alert: Up to $4,873 in Payments Just Approved for May 2024

Your next Social Security check is about to come: discover when will you have fresh money in your pocket.

social security may 2024 dates revealed

Your next Social Security check is coming!

Social Security payments must arrive on time, and in the right amounts, because millions of Americans depend on this money to finish shaping their monthly budgets. Social Security provides financial support not only to retirees, but also to disabled people who need an extra income.

As established in the Social Security Administration (SA) schedule, payments are made on five important dates of each month:
Those who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are the first to see their payments reflected in their accounts (or paper checks, depending on the preference of each beneficiary), because the SSA sends the money on the 1st day of each month.

If you’ve been receiving Social Security since before 1997, or if you receive Social Security SSI together, the SSA sends SSI payments on day 1 and Social Security on day 3.

For regular retirees who receive payments after May 1997, the three payment dates are as follows:

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Who Can Opt to Get Up to $4,873 From Social Security?

The maximum amount of Social Security benefits varies depending on the retirement age and the specific circumstances of each individual. Here I explain clearly and concisely:

These amounts vary depending on individual conditions and the time of application for benefits, and the maximum benefits are just destined for those who comply with the requirements at the moment of retirement.

To contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) and answer any questions, you can call the toll-free number 1-800-772-1213 or visit its official website at You can also go to a local SSA office for personalized assistance, where the officials will be more than happy to help you out on your concerns and doubts.

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