Florida $1,751 Food Stamps in April: When Will Your EBT Deposit Arrive This Week?

The first ten beneficiary groups will get their food stamp payments before April 10. Know when is your magic day.

florida payment snap april 2024

First 10 days of food stamps payments in April 2024 in Florida

In Florida, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits to low-income individuals and families to help them buy food. Beneficiaries can buy fresh and canned food, as well as other products such as meats, dairy, and even seeds and plant to grow food at home.

SNAP payments in Florida vary depending on household composition and family income. As of April 2024, the maximum SNAP benefit amount in Florida is $1,751 for a household of up to 8 people. Next, we will analyze the payments of the first ten groups of beneficiaries, ranging up to April 10.

Food Stamps in Florida: Benefits to Be Paid in the Upcoming Days

In the Sunshine State, SNAP payments are spread over 28 days each month, starting on the 1st and ending, obviously, on the 28th. Each household is assigned a payment date based on the 8th and 9th digits of their case number, not counting the 10th digit, as follows:

If you are among these beneficiary groups, you must wait until your designated date to check your EBT account balance. If any delays occur, the authorities recommend waiting at least 3 business days before taking additional measures.

If the delay persists beyond that point, you can call customer service at 1-888-356-3281. Or you can also call the Florida SNAP line at 1-866-762-2237. You can also visit your nearest Florida Department of Children and Family (DCF) and ask for further help.

How to Check Your Food Stamps EBT Balance in Florida

You can check the balance of your Florida state EBT card at any of the following banks:

National banks:

Local banks:

Additionally, you can check your balance at any ATM that accepts EBT cards. You can also do it at https://www.myflfamilies.com/.

Florida’s food stamps are delivered in the first 28 days of every month.

Maximum SNAP Food Stamps in Florida in 2024

In the state of Florida as in the rest of the contiguous 48 states and Washington DC, the maximum amounts payable are the same and vary depending on the number of people making up the household.

If you receive cash aid or SUNCAP (food assistance for those receiving SSI), your benefits will be available on the first 3 days of the month based on your case number. As of today, those payments have already been issued.

This is the list of values to be paid during the fiscal year 2024, according to the size of the household: 

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