Finally, You’re Getting a New SSI Payment in a Matter of Days

Retirees, SSI and SSDI payments follow their own schedules, with specific dates depending on beneficiaries' birth dates.

ssi june - july 2024

June 2024 SSI Payment Schedule Change

Recipients of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program did not receive a payment in June 2024 due to an adjustment in the Social Security Administration (SSA) payment schedule. But, don’t worry, because that doesn’t mean that you will receive one less payment, because each beneficiary receives a total of 12 payments per year. This is because June 1, 2024 fell on a Saturday.

As you already know, SSI payments are paid every day on the 1st of each month, and when that day falls on a weekend or holiday, the payment is sent to beneficiaries on the nearest previous business day. In the case of the month of June, the payment was sent on May 31. 

Given this scenario, those people who receive SSI payments are already waiting for their next payment, because in many cases, one day it can generate a mess in the domestic economy. The magic date of the next check or bank deposit will be July 1, which falls on a Friday, so there will be no change of date. 

The next SSI payment is scheduled for July 1, 2024, with no date changes in the horizon.

More Social Security Payments in June: Retirees and SSDI

Retiree benefit payments from Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) have already begun in the month of June, as we are halfway through the month at this point. There are two more payments left in the coming weeks, before the end of June:

Payments for those who have not received SSDI since 1997 or earlier follow the same schedule as Social Security. This is how it is set out on the SSA calendar:

If you have been receiving payments since before May 1997, or receive Social Security payments in conjunction with SSI, your Social Security payment will arrive on July 3 and your SSI payment on July 1. 

Maximum Supplemental Security Income Payments You Can Opt For in 2024

After the 2024 cost of living adjustment (COLA), which was 3.2%, the Social Security Administration (SSA) established the following payments for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries for 2024, as below :

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