First Round of $5,108 Social Security Payments to Be Delivered in 16 Days

The Social Security benefits' recipients are expectant to receive new rounds of deposits in about two weeks

February Social Security Payments Scheduled: Know Your Dates

February Social Security Payments Scheduled: Know Your Dates

In the year 2025, Social Security payments scheduled for February were set to be sent on three specific dates: the 12th, 19th, and 26th of the month. The date each beneficiary receives their payment depends entirely on their date of birth, so there is no other way for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to classify its beneficiaries.

The first of February beneficiary payments are for those who were born between the 1st and 10th of each month, whose date is the second Wednesday, that is, February 12. Then, on Wednesday, February 19, the payment is for retirees who have a birthday between the 11th and 20th of any month. Finally, Wednesday, February 26 is the date for beneficiaries who have a birthday between the 21st and 31st of any month.

Other Social Security payments that will arrive in February

Every month, the SSA also distributes other bbenefits,for which retirees who have certain financial problems and need additional support can also apply and qualify.

For example, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment should be sent on the first day of each month, but this month has a peculiarity: February 1st falls on a Saturday, and the agency does not send benefit payments on weekends or holidays. Then, the deposit of the money will be advanced to January 31.

SSI payments for the month of March are also already pre-scheduled, which will be sent on February 28 due to the same situation that caused February’s payment to be brought forward. In both months, beneficiaries will receive a maximum of $967 for an individual, $1,450 for an eligible couple, and $484 in economic support for an essential helper.

For Social Security retirement beneficiaries, the maximum qualifying amount is $5,108, after the 2.5% increase applied for inflation for all of fiscal year 2025. That maximum amount is for beneficiaries who waited until age 70 and met other requirements of income and payments of Social Security credits. For retirees who began applying for Full Retirement Age (FRA) benefits, the maximum amount is $4,018.

What is the full retirement age in 2025?

In 2025, the full retirement age in the United States is 67 for people born in 1960 or later. The full retirement age has been gradually increased to adjust the Social Security system due to increased life expectancy.

Here is a breakdown of the full retirement age based on year of birth:

Note that beneficiaries can elect to receive early retirement payments starting at age 62, but monthly benefits will be reduced if they begin receiving before reaching FRA age.

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