Claim Your Cash Now, CashApp Users Eligible for $2,500 Payout

CashApp users affected by the data breach can claim up to $2,500 each as part of the $15 million settlement: Here's the process.

CashApp's Costly Data Breach: How to Get Your $2,500

CashApp's Costly Data Breach: How to Get Your $2,500 as Plaintiff

CashApp customers are entitled to up to $2,500 each as a result of the class action settlement, this given the data breaches that happened in the company, if you are one of the 50 million CashApp users in the United States, you could count on the right to receive a payment after the company has been at the center of a settlement.

The case was about data breaches that affected the company, with claims that CashApp did not do what was necessary to protect the security of its customers, here we detail more information about the agreement, how you can claim and by which dates you should submit your application.

Class Action Against CashApp — $15M Data Breach Settlement

CashApp is in the midst of a class action settlement, in which, the plaintiff alleges that CashApp did not do enough to protect its customers from data breach between the years 2022 and 2023.

The purpose of the case“ “Salinas, et al. v. Block Inc., et al., Case No. 3:22-cv-04823-AMO”, is to get compensation to be given to those whose data was illegally violated, by third parties, including those people who lost money through fraudulent transactions.

CashApp denied that it had acted improperly, but has reached an agreement to pay $15 million to customers who suffered damage.

Who Is Eligible for the CashApp Data Breach Settlement?

If you want to make a claim on the CashApp settlement, you have to make sure you are eligible first.

The requirements are:

If you meet the above requirements, you can make the claim.

CashApp’s Costly Mistake: $15M Settlement Explained for You

How to File a CashApp Data Breach Claim

If you meet the requirements and want to file a claim in the CashApp agreement, you will need to fill out a form through the official site of the agreement, if a notification ID and a confirmation code arrived to you, do not lose them, if you did not receive them, you can still make the request.

You may also need to submit receipts, credit card statements, police reports, or anything else that may show that you were involved and affected by the data breaches. Those who do not want to be part of the agreement will have to submit their objection before November 1 of this year.

Average Payment from the CashApp Settlement

In terms of payment, this may vary depending on the severity of the individual’s case and how much the data breach has affected him, but those involved in the settlement are entitled to up to $2,500.

The claims must be submitted before November 18 of this year, and the final court hearing is scheduled for December 16, 2024, assuming that no complications or attached objections are presented, payments will be made after this date.

What is a class action lawsuit?

Class actions give groups of people, or “classes,” a way to come together in court.These lawsuits can be filed by one or more people arguing that a company or entity has harmed a sizable group of people.

When a lawsuit becomes a class action, it is extended to all “class members” or people who may have complaints that resemble those of those who filed the lawsuit.

A-companies regularly settle class action lawsuits by offering a payment to the group members, who usually waive their right to pursue further legal action by accepting the amount offered by the entity or company.

These payment agreements usually have statements from the defendant in which he denies having committed the crime for which he is being sued, companies regularly reach agreements in class actions to get rid of the costs of subsequent litigation. Pollution, discrimination or misleading advertising are some of the reasons that can lead to a class action lawsuit against a company.

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