The CalFresh nutritional assistance program is the name given to the SNAP benefits food stamp program in the state of California. This program is administered by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and is designed to improve food security for those in need, within the Golden State.
The amount of CalFresh benefits varies depending on how many people live in the household. For example, if you live alone, the maximum benefit is $291, but if you live in a household of eight people, the maximum benefit is $1,751. This means that the more people there are in the household, the more money they can receive to buy food.
CalFresh Beneficiaries Can Apply for SSI Benefits
In addition to CalFresh, people who qualify can also apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) at the same time. To qualify, you must be a California resident and a U.S. citizen or have a special immigration status.
You must also meet specific age requirements or have a disability, as determined by the Social Security Administration. Take into consideration that SSI has its own income and resource limits, which are different from those of CalFresh.
To qualify to receive both CalFresh and SSI benefits at the same time, you must be a permanent resident in California, be a U.S. citizen or have a qualifying legal immigration status.In addition, you must meet specific criteria of age, disability and more, which are determined by the Social Security Administration, since it is the entity that manages the SSI program. Finally, you must have income and have paid your Social Security taxes on time.
April 2024 CalFresh Payment Dates
CalFresh payments go until April 10, depending on the last digit of the recipient’s case number, as we detail in the following table:
- April 1 – Last digit: 1
- April 2 – Last digit: 2
- April 3 – Last digit: 3
- April 4 – Last digit: 4
- April 5 – Last digit: 5
- April 6 – Last digit: 6
- April 7 – Last digit: 7
- April 8 – Last digit: 8
- April 9 – Last digit: 9
- April 10 – Last digit: 0