More CalFresh SNAP Benefits Already Approved in California for August 2024 — Dates and Amounts to Claim

California's CalFresh food assistance program has already published payment dates and amounts for thousands of recipients across the state for the month of August.

CalFresh Benefits in California

August 2024 Calfresh Dates Revealed for Thousands of Recipients

As you already know, CalFresh benefits are intended as a form of food assistance for low-income individuals and families who are struggling to make ends meet. CalFresh is part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP benefits) distributed at the federal level, but California has decided to give it a different name.

Eligibility Requirements

The eligibility requirements to receive payments in August are exactly the same for CalFresh as they are for SNAP benefits. To start, applicants must have incomes no higher than 130% to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Gross income is all the money your household receives from any source, except exempt income. Some examples of exempt income include any college work-study programs, as well as funds received under the Job Training Partnership Act.

For most households, gross monthly income (before payroll deductions) must be at or below 200% of the FPL for the household size. If any member of your household is disqualified due to an intentional violation of the program, then 130% of the FPL will apply to your household and your resources will also be taken into account.

Depending on the number of people living in the home, these are the gross income limits based on 130% and 200% of the FPL:

Number of People in the Home

Number of People in the Home 130% Federal Poverty Level 200% Federal Poverty Level*
1 $1,580 $2,430
2 $2,137 $3,288
3 $2,694 $4,144
4 $3,250 $5,000
5 $3,807 $5,858
6 $4,364 $6,714
7 $4,921 $7,570
8 $5,478 $8,428
Each additional member +$557 +$858

*gross monthly income eligibility standards for modified categorical eligibility (MCE)/Broad-based categorical eligibility (BBCE) 200% federal poverty level maximum gross income allowed.

Then there are the tables of the so-called adjusted net income, which is the total amount of money left available for the household after having paid all expenses such as rent, mortgage, utilities, and others:

Maximum Allowable Net Income

Number of People in the Home Maximum Allowable Net Income (100% federal poverty level)
1 $1,215
2 $1,644
3 $2,072
4 $2,500
5 $2,929
6 $3,357
7 $3,785
8 $4,214
Each additional member +$429

Job Requirements for CalFresh

Some CalFresh applicants are required to meet work requirements under both the CalFresh and SNAP benefits guidelines. In some states, work eligibility requirements have been implemented for so-called Physically Able Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD). When it comes to food stamps guidelines, an ABAWD is a person who applies for and receives CalFresh benefits and is between 18 and 52 years old. This person, if they are authorized to work and do not have dependent children, is considered in this category and will receive a maximum of three months of benefits within a 36-month period. This applies unless any of the following conditions apply:

Everyone between 16 and 59 years of age must be formally registered to apply for employment at the time of making the first application for CalFresh benefits, and register at least once every 12 months after initial registration, in order to maintain their employment status. eligible to receive financial allocations. Households that include a person over 60 years of age or who has a disability have particular exemptions. If your household has some of these members, ask what you have to do when applying for your benefits for the first time.

CalFresh are provided to low-income households in California.

August CalFresh Benefit Payment Dates

In the state of California, food stamp allocations are distributed throughout the first 10 days of the month, based on the last digit of the recipient’s case number:

1 Thursday, August 1
2 Friday 2nd of August
3 Saturday, August 3
4 Sunday, August 4
5 Monday, August 5
6 Tuesday, August 6
7 Wednesday, August 7
8 Thursday, August 8
9 Friday, August 9
0 Saturday, August 10
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