Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) that provides significant monthly financial assistance to older adults, people with disabilities, and children with physical or mental limitations. From its very conception, it is designed to support individuals with limited economic resources and low income, ensuring a vital minimum to cover basic needs such as food, housing and medical care.
The maximum amounts approved by the SSA for 2025 are $967 for a single applicant, and $1,450 for a couple applying together. A third item (uncommon but existing as a legal figure in the program) is that of “essential help person”, which provides an allowance for those beneficiaries who receive the assistance of a person who helps them with tasks as basic as bathing, cooking, or even brushing their teeth, for example. For them, there is a maximum payment of $484.
SSI payments restart after a “pause” in March
Before starting, a clarification regarding the eligibility of this program: to access SSI, applicants must meet strict income and resource requirements. Asset limits, excluding a primary home and a vehicle, are $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples. Additionally, the SSA constantly checks for changes in the financial or health situation of beneficiaries, which may alter the amounts received or even suspend support.
Now, let’s talk about payment dates, because in

, some were confused when they did not see a deposit in their bank accounts. SSI beneficiaries did not receive a payment corresponding to that month and the reason is that March 1 was a Saturday, meaning it was brought forward to Friday, February 28.
In April 2025, the first day falls on a Tuesday, so that month’s payment will be delivered on its usual date. Since SSI only distributes a monthly deposit, March falls outside the regular calendar.
In the remaining months of the year, there will be adjustments for coincidences with weekends. For example, June 1, 2025 is a Sunday, so the deposit will be brought forward to Friday, May 30. Similar situations will apply for September (Monday 1) and December (Sunday 1), whose payments will be made on Friday, August 29 and Friday, November 28, respectively.