In the state of Florida, SNAP benefits are distributed between the 1st and the 28th of each month according to the last two digits of the case number, reading first the ninth and then the eighth number. Payments are coming in this week for beneficiaries who have case numbers from 35 to 57, each of them grouped on the different days of the week.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP benefits) is a federal initiative that seeks to eliminate hunger and prevent low-income families from falling into food risk. These people are given a card called an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) with which they can buy healthy and nutritious food. In Florida, this program is administered by the Department of Children and Families (DCF).
SNAP Benefits Payments in Florida This Week
For payments between June 11th and June 16th, in Florida, the schedule is as follows according to the DCF website:
- June 11th: case numbers ended in 35-38
- June 12: case numbers ended at 39-41
- June 13th: case numbers ended in 42-45
- June 14: case numbers ended at 46-48
- June 15: Case numbers ended at 49-53
- June 16: Case numbers ended at 54-57
Requirements to Qualify for Florida SNAP Benefits in 2024
Those who wish to qualify for SNAP benefits, formerly called food stamps, must meet a number of requirements. Most households must have a gross income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
In addition, applicants must be U.S. citizens, although certain non-citizens who meet eligibility requirements may also qualify. They must be permanent residents in the state where they are applying for the assignments. Households should have limited resources. Generally, the limits are $2,750 in countable resources for most households and $3,750 if at least one household member is over the age of 60 or has a disability.
Those adults without financially dependent dependents must meet certain work requirements, including working at least 20 hours per week or participating in an approved work or job training program approved by the SNAP program in the state.
Where to Apply for SNAP Benefits in the State of Florida?
The Florida Department of Children and Families is the agency in charge of administering the SNAP program in the state. This department is responsible for processing applications, determining eligibility and distributing benefits.
For more information or to apply for benefits, those interested can visit the DCF website or contact their local office.
To apply, you must prove to be a resident of the state of Florida, present documents that prove your citizenship or your qualifying immigration status, as well as present your social security number and that of the household members who will be benefited with the food components. If you do not have a social security number, you must show proof that you have applied for one.
Who Does Not Qualify for SNAP Benefits in Florida?
There are certain reasons why you may be denied participation in the SNAP benefits program in the state of Florida. These restrictions follow federal guidelines. For example, if you have been convicted of drug trafficking or are on the run from a felony warrant, you may not be eligible.
You may also lose your benefits if it is proven that you have used them fraudulently, such as by buying unauthorized products such as alcohol or prescription drugs, or when you have exchanged them for money with third parties. Non-citizens without qualifying status, as well as students attending an institution of higher education at least part-time in some circumstances, also do not qualify for SNAP benefits.
Maximum SNAP Amounts in 2024
The maximum number of benefits you can qualify for depends on several factors, including the number of people in the household. While a single person can receive up to $291 per month, a household of four people can receive up to $973 per month. On the other hand, an 8-member place may qualify to receive a payment of up to $1,751 per month and, beyond that number, any additional member could get up to $219.