Applications Open for LIHEAP in Summer: Help Available Now

If you're having a hard time paying your utility bills during the hot weather months, here's how to apply for LIHEAP funds.

liheap kentucky summer 2024

LIHEAP energy assistance program

Applications for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) summer grant are now available. This program, which uses federal funds, is designed to help certain qualifying households cover heating costs in the winter and now also in the summer. What exactly is involved and who are the beneficiaries for this financia assistance?

The LIHEAP program offers financial assistance to eligible households all over the United States, helping them to manage heating costs in winter and, recently, also to cope with energy expenses in the summer months. The type and level of assistance varies depending on the main fuel used in the household, income and housing conditions. Households with incomes at or below 150% of the federal poverty level are eligible for this subsidy.

Applying for LIHEAP in the Kentucky Area

LIHEAP’s assistance can take the form of a one-time energy subsidy or help in crisis situations, such as utility outages. To receive the latter, households must submit a cut-off notice along with proof of income. Although the program traditionally operates from November to March, its availability has been extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to offer more continuous support.

LIHEAP works in partnership with Community Action Kentucky and several of the state’s energy providers, including Columbia Gas, Delta Natural Gas and Kentucky Utilities (KU). These partnerships allow eligible customers in Lexington-Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties to sign up for energy subsidies. Eligibility and type of assistance depend on the specific terms of each association.

Participants in these programs must also accept home HVAC services, when available. These services may include the installation of energy-efficient appliances, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, ceiling and wall insulation, and heating and cooling equipment repair or replacement. A comprehensive intake process helps determine the specific energy needs of each household.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Financial Assistance and Application Procedure to Get LIHEAP

With the arrival of summer and rising temperatures, energy bills can also increase. LIHEAP offers financial assistance in various amounts, which can range from $50 to $250 dollars, depending on income and household size.

To apply for this assistance, it is necessary to make an appointment online through the Community Action Council website. Council staff will be responsible for explaining the rest of the process.

Community Development Manager Sarah Hill highlighted the importance of the program: “It’s not just about being comfortable, it’s about being safe. We are talking about elderly people and very young children who are much more susceptible to temperature fluctuations. Extreme heat and extreme cold can cause significant harm to people. It’s not about saying‘ ‘I’m a little hot, I don’t feel well.’ It is fundamental. In some cases, it could save lives”” Hill said.

Before going to ask for help, it is important to remember to bring a valid photo ID, the current electricity bill and the account number. Also, if you already applied for LIHEAP in winter or spring this year, you are still eligible for the summer program.

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