Annoyed by Marketing Calls? You Could Get $120 From a Class Action Settlement

You might still be eligible for a cash payout from the CallCore Media class action settlement! Find out if you qualify for up to $132.

CallCore Lawsuit

Were you one of those who received those annoying telemarketing calls from CallCore Media? Well, a recent class action lawsuit filed was settled with a settlement, which will pay over $2 million to those who join as plaintiffs.

The class action lawsuit against this controversial company was filed by a group of consumers who received these unsolicited calls, which some describe as annoying and inconvenient.

CallCore Media, a direct marketing company, used prerecorded or artificial voices to contact people whose data they obtained from PHBC Marketing LLC. The plaintiffs, who will now receive payments, claim that these calls were made without their permission, which constitutes a violation of the regulations established by the TCPA and the Texas Solicitation Law.

$2 Million Class Action Settlement: Who Qualifies to Get Paid?

CallCore Media has agreed to pay $2 million to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging they made prerecorded calls to consumers without their consent, violating both state laws and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Although CallCore Media did not admit any wrongdoing, they decided to resolve the situation with a $2 million settlement. This means that if you were one of the people who received these annoying calls, you could be on the list to receive compensation, which won’t be exactly juicy, but hey, money is money, right?

It is estimated that each member of the group will receive about $120, and if you had an address or a Texas area code at the time of the calls, you could receive an additional 10%, that is, about $12 more.

Who Is Eligible to Receive Payment for This Class Action Settlement?

The settlement of this lawsuit benefits two main groups of people affected:

If you think you might be in one of these groups, then you must submit a valid claim form by June 19, 2024 in order to receive your payment.

When will be the hearing for the payment to those affected?

The final approval hearing for the settlement is scheduled for June 25, 2024. If you are among those affected, make sure to file your claim on time. You don’t need any proof of purchase, just make sure you fill out the form correctly and truthfully. And remember, filing a fraudulent claim is not only illegal, but also harms other class members who rightfully deserve their compensation.

If you have any doubts or think that you were one of those affected by these calls, you can access the official website of the class action, where you can also find the form to file the claim and join as a plaintiff.

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