The SSA Just Confirmed: Some Beneficiaries Will Get Up to $5,108 Next Week

While some beneficiaries will get their regular payments, some other will see an important raise: here's who'll get that extra cash

March 19 is the magic date for some Social Security recipients

March 19 is the magic date for some Social Security recipients

The third Wednesday of March 2025, March 19, is the date that millions of Social Security beneficiaries in the United States have been waiting for… and no wonder: that day, they will receive their monthly payments according to the schedule established by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

According to recent SSA data, there are approximately 68 million Social Security beneficiaries in 2025. It is estimated that about 5% of beneficiaries who started before May 1997 are still receiving benefits, approximately 3.2 million, based on survival rates and average age in 1997 (about 70 years, which would bring them to 98 years in 2025, with a low probability of survival). This leaves approximately 64.8 million who started in or after May 1997.

The three Social Security payments for March are already defined

Social Security payments are scheduled based on the benefit start date and the beneficiary’s date of birth. Those who began receiving benefits before May 1997 receive their payment on the 3rd of each month. For those who started on or after May 1997, your payday depends on your date of birth.

As is done every month, the three groups will receive their payments following the following structure:

Therefore, the March 19, 2025 payment will be for beneficiaries who started on or after May 1997 and have birth dates between the 11th and the 20th. This includes retired workers, disabled workers, and survivors or dependents, such as spouses and children, who receive benefits based on a worker’s record.

The average monthly amount for all Social Security beneficiaries in 2025 is approximately $1,850, adjusted for a 2.5% cost of living increase (COLA). However, this average varies depending on the type of benefit:

The maximum possible amount for a beneficiary is $5,108 per month, applicable to retired workers who retire at full retirement age with maximum earnings history, also adjusted for the 2.5% COLA valid for 2025.

The March 19, 2025 payments include various types of beneficiaries, all based on the registration of an insured worker

Note that payments to dependents and survivors align with the primary worker’s payment date, based on their date of birth.

Some beneficiaries will receive more money this month

Some eligible recipients may see increases in their payments due to the recently enacted Social Security Fairness Act. This law eliminates the Wind Benefit Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), affecting more than 3.2 million people, such as teachers, firefighters, and federal employees, whose benefits were previously reduced by pensions not covered by Social Security.

Although the exact impact for March 19, 2025 is not specified, some beneficiaries may receive retroactive payments or monthly increases starting in April 2025, with increases of thousands of dollars they were denied.

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