In December 2024, millions of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients in the United States will experience a significant boost to their finances thanks to an early payment scheduled for December 31.
Like the rest of Social Security payments, this one was also affected by the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) implemented by the Social Security Administration (SSA), which will allow beneficiaries to receive a larger sum compared to months previous. The decision to advance this payment is intended to help beneficiaries manage their expenses during the festive period and avoid delays that may arise due to the New Year holiday.
Why an SSI payment is advanced to December 31
SSI payments are made every month on the first day of every month, unless that date falls on a holiday or weekend. In this case, the agency advances the payment by the next business day. And since January 1, 2025 is a national holiday, the payment was scheduled for the last day of the previous year.
This measure ensures that beneficiaries do not face delays in receiving their funds, which is really important for those Americans who depend on this income to cover basic needs, especially during a month when it is common to have additional expenses associated with celebrations related to Christmas and new year.
Requirements to be an SSI Beneficiary
Not all people who qualify for other Social Security benefits qualify to receive the Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This particular program is designed to help individuals who are in financial need, and the eligibility criteria focuses on the financial situation and personal condition of the applicant.
To qualify, a person must be an elderly person age 65 or older, or a blind or disabled individual. Additionally, they must have limited financial resources, meaning their income and assets cannot exceed certain thresholds set by the SSA. This includes the value of property and other assets, with exceptions for the primary home and a vehicle.
To receive SSI, applicants must also be US citizens or legal residents, as well as submit an application to the SSA to have their financial and personal situation evaluated. This evaluation process includes verification of the condition of blindness or disability, if applicable, in addition to an examination of sources of income.
The SSA is responsible for determining eligibility and the amount of benefits according to each applicant’s particular situation, ensuring that support is provided to those who need it most.
If you think you qualify for SSI, you can visit the nearest SSA office, or call 1-800-772-1213 where customer service agents will be more than happy to help you begin your application process. Remember, in the very spirit of Social Security is the idea that every American who has contributed to the system receives what he or she deserves, and that no one goes hungry or needy.