Social Security Introduces Updates for May Payments: Discover How Does This Affects You

Some changes are coming over the Social Security payments, compared to last year. Know what they are.

social security may 2024

Changes are on the way on Social Security payments

The Social Security Administration (SSA) have a regular payment schedule for retired citizens in the United States, but sometimes changes may occur that affect Social Security beneficiaries. On the other hand, there may be changes such as the payment of supplemental security income, for everyone’s happiness most of the time we can know in time the changes that are going to be presented by the social security controls.

With this information, we are already attentive to the changes that may occur in the Social Security payments of the month of May, and the available money can be organized and thus have no major impact on the issue of our household finances.
There are some changes that could cause the readjustment of our budget a little over the next few months.

Some changes in Social Security for May 2024

Of the biggest changes facing Social Security in May 2024, we can mention an increase in the benefit in comparison, by 2023 this change has already begun to take effect in previous months. So, any retired citizen who cashed a check in May 2023 can make the comparison that the May 2024 check is 3.2% higher.

In other words, the maximum check for retired citizens based on age for May 2024 is $4,873. Similar to the maximum disability payment, which is $3,822 per month, this change is important because it provides an extra income to retired citizens of the United States. On the other hand, the change in the schedule is not very significant, but it is considerable enough to affect the income of the beneficiaries.

On May 1st you will have access to the Social Security check, but there will also be one of the payments on May 31st, this will influence in one way or another the economy of the beneficiary citizens, who will receive the June’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) check in advance, so in order to organize the budget for those months we must take this into account.

How Is My Social Security Payment Date Usually Determined?

Social Security typically sends payments on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday of each month. The day you receive your payment will depend on the date of your birthday.

If you have been a Social Security beneficiary since before May 1997, or you receive both SSI and Social security, your payment schedule is different. You don’t get your payments on a Wednesday. Instead, you’ll get your Social Security payment on the third day of every month and your SSI payment on the first day of every month.

These mentioned dates may vary, if the first or third day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday. For example, the third day of March fell on a Sunday, therefore, social security beneficiaries received their payment for the month of March two days in advance, on the first day of March.

Changes are on the way regarding Social Security payments that could affect your checks.

What to Do if Your Check Does Not Arrive at the Scheduled Date?

If your check does not arrive at the stipulated date and already mentioned above, Social Security always recommends giving at least three days of time to get in touch.

If your check still hasn’t arrived after three days, please contact a representative at 800-772-1213. (The SSA indicates that wait times are shorter Wednesday through Friday and between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.)  You can also find out more details of your Social Security benefits online.

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