Here’s Why the IRS Is Sending Smaller Tax Refunds Than Other Years

The IRS has finished processing most U.S. tax returns but is still issuing refunds. What's the average refund amount this year?

wheres my tax refund irs 2024

Where's My Tax Refund?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has concluded the process of receiving and processing the tax returns of millions of taxpayers in the United States for the fiscal year 2023. During the period between January 19 and April 15, the agency was collecting these income tax returns.

Those taxpayers who failed to file their return on time were able to request an extension from the IRS, which grants a six-month extension to complete the process, moving the deadline to October 15. It is important to note that this extension only applies for filing taxes, but not for their payment.

The IRS to Begin Sending Tax Refunds Soon: How Much Will I Get?

As for the payment of taxes, the figure is proportional to the tax situation of each taxpayer. However, an IRS statistical report indicates that by 2024, the average refund has fallen by 25% to 28% relative to the amount received the previous year.

According to the data provided by the IRS, the average IRS refund granted in 2023 for the 2022 tax year was $1,963 per taxpayer. For the 2023 fiscal year, the figure fell to an average of $1,395. As for returns for direct deposits, the amount dropped from $2,056 to $1,543.

These changes are also reflected in the total figures of returns processed by the IRS. In 2023, a total of 16,767,000 returns were processed, while in 2024 this figure has decreased to 13,928,000, which represents a reduction of 16.9%. Likewise, the total number of refunds has experienced a decrease of 67.3%, going from 7,996,000 in 2023 to 2,616,000 in 2024.

In monetary terms, the total of repayments has also suffered a notable decrease. In 2023, the IRS issued a total of $15.696 billion in refunds, while in 2024 this figure was reduced to $3.649 billion, representing a drop of 76.8%.

Using the “Where’s My Refund?” tool by the IRS.

Where’s My Tax Refund? Find Your Money Now

The “Where’s my Refund?” is an online free tool provided by the IRS and allows taxpayers from any state or territories to track in real time the status of their tax refund. The process to use this tool is quite simple and can be done as follows:

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