You Could Receive a Payment as Part of a Class Action Settlement Against Clif Bars

Clif Bars faces a class action settlement over misleading nutrition claims. If you purchased, you may be eligible for compensation

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Clif Bars Class Action Settlement

The people who consume the products of Clif Bars could get compensation for the $12 million deal with Clif Bars if they purchased bars with exaggerated nutritional claims. The agreement favors consumers who bought some products Clif Bars between April 19, 2014 and March 31, 2023, for residents of California and New York, or between March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2023, for consumers outside of California and New York.

If you bought a Clif Bar in that date range, you may be entitled to monetary compensation as part of the Class Action Settlement of $12 million. A Class Action Settlement against Clif Bar & Company argument that the bars Clif and Clif Kid ZBars They were unhealthy because of added sugars, even though they were advertised with slogans like “Nutrition for Sustained Energy” and “No High Fructose Corn Syrup” on the product packaging.

What Is Stipulated in the Class Action Lawsuit Against Clif

“Despite compelling evidence that sugar acts as a chronic liver toxin, negatively affecting health, and despite the fact that up to 37% of the calories in bars Clif Kid ZBars and the bars Clif Classic’s, the Products of Clif contain added sugar, Clif markets these so-called “nutrition” bars with labeling and packaging claims that inform a health and wellness message with the goal of increasing the price and sales of its high-sugar “nutrition” bars.” This is stated in a complaint initially filed against the company in 2018.

Clif Bar & Co. Class Action Settlement

Clif Bar had agreed to the class-action settlement earlier this year, although the company disputes that its products are harmful to health and said the packaging labels were not misleading, according to the claims administrator. A representative of Clif Bar to Mondelez International, its parent company, was not immediately available for comment. 

Requirements to Be Part of the Class Action Settlement

In order to file a claim, customers must have purchased a bar Clif or a bar Clif Kid Z Bar between April 2014 and March 2023 in New York or California, or between March 2019 and March 2023 in all other states. The packaging of the bars must also have contained specific language regarding nutritional claims, as described in more detail on the settlement site.

Eligible plaintiffs may be entitled to a compensation fund amount of $12 million. Those who do not present proof of purchase can receive compensation of $5 if they purchased up to 30 bars Clif, 10 dollars if they bought between 31 and 60, or 15 dollars if they bought 61 or more. Those who provide proof of purchase can receive $15 for the first 60 bars, plus $0.25 for each additional purchase.

The amounts are variable depending on the number of claims submitted, according to the site administrator. Clients can submit their complaint online or by mail. The forms of Class Action Settlement, They have to be delivered before November 25. (Customers can also request to be excluded from or oppose the agreement. These actions have a deadline of October 22.)

The court presiding over the case, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, will rule on the settlement on November 14.

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