SNAP Benefits in August — More Deposits Sent in the Upcoming Days

Until September 30, the amounts of SNAP benefits will remain as is: after that point, they will increase due to inflation.

snap benefits august dates upcoming 2024

SNAP Benefits Dates in August 2024 for Every State

We are already halfway through the month, and SNAP benefits beneficiaries who receive their payments in the coming days are already waiting for the arrival of such important economic allocations, which helps them make ends meet. 

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP benefits) is a federal program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), but administered at the local level by states and counties that know best the reality and needs of their residents. 

It provides monthly coupons that are distributed through a debit card known as an Electronic Benefits Transfer, or EBT card. This means of payment allows beneficiaries to purchase food at a wide variety of authorized establishments, including supermarkets and markets on wheels.

SNAP benefits dates revealed for August 2024

Maximum SNAP Benefit Amounts in 2024

The amount of money a household receives in 2024 depends on the number of its members, among other aspects considered by the program such as resources, income, and others. 

For 2024, the cost of living adjustment (COLA) increased benefits by 3.2%, which has slightly modified the amounts that can be received. This amount is about to change, since September 30 is the end date for these values. From that point on, a new increase will be announced based on inflation which, for now, looks like it will be somewhere between 2.6% and 2.8%, but not much more than that thanks to contained inflation. 

The maximum monthly payments, based on household size, are as follows (until September 30, 2024):

SNAP Benefit Payment Schedule in August 2024

Because each state administers the distribution of SNAP funds independently, payment dates can vary considerably. Below is the SNAP benefit distribution schedule for August 2024, state by state:

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