Applying for SSDI in August? Here Are the Requirements to Qualify

If you are a worker who has suffered a disability, and you have paid your Social Security taxes, you can apply for SSDI.

ssdi requirementes 2024

SSDI Requirements in 2024

Social Security Disability Insurance, commonly known as SSDI, is a federal program in the United States designed to provide financial support to people who are unable to work due to a disability. 

This program, managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA), offers monthly cash benefits to those who meet certain specific eligibility criteria based on determining that all persons who are awarded benefits payments they really need and deserve. 

The money is sent to the beneficiary so that they can use it at their discretion, in order to meet the costs of living each month. 

Requirements to qualify for SSDI in 2024

If you are thinking of applying and being considered as To be eligible for SSDI benefits, several requirements must be met, not very complicated but quite specific in the end. 

These are the most relevant, as explained by the SSA itself on its website. We have tried to explain them as simply as possible, without technicalities or complex terms. 

1. Disabling Medical Condition

2. Work History and Social Security Credits

3. Inability to Perform Gainful Activities

SSDI Requirements to Qualify in 2024

Who qualifies to receive SSDI benefits from the Social Security Administration?

SSDI is intended for legal American citizens or alien residents (from certain categories) of various circumstances who face disabilities that prevent them from working. These are some of the potential beneficiaries that could be elected by the SSA to receive SSDI payments:

SSDI Payment Schedule

SSDI benefits are paid monthly, and the payment schedule depends on the beneficiary’s day of birth:

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