New SNAP Deposits Arrive in a Matter of Days in Florida: Almost $1,000 for a Family of Your

Millions of families will receive new food stamps funds in August. Discover your payment date and amount to receive.

snap benefits florida aug 2024 dates

August 2024 SNAP Benefits Dates and Amounts

More than 1.16 million SNAP benefits recipients are awaiting their next payments in Florida, one of the states with the largest populations of families who rely on these funds to cover their basic needs each month. 

The county with the most recipients in Florida is Miami-Dade, with a count of 233,752 according to the most recent data available for 2022, followed by Broward County, where there are 107,264 recipients listed, and Duval County in third place, with 63,054.

The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is the agency in charge of administering the delivery of SNAP benefits funds in Florida, and follows federal guidelines to determine who is eligible to receive SNAP benefit funds. 

Eligibility Criteria for SNAP Benefits in Florida

In order to be eligible, you must first of all provide proof of identity, also proving your legal status or citizenship in the United States, and that the applicant permanently resides in the state of Florida. Most households should not exceed a gross income limit less than or equal to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

Some household expenses may be deducted from the total monthly income of the food assistance budget. These expenses may include, for example, housing, dependent care, medical expenses, paid child support, utility deductions, and earned income deduction.

There are also limits on the assets that a household that wants to receive assistance from the SNAP benefits program can have. Households with a disqualified member must meet an asset limit of $2,500 ($3,750 if the household has an elderly or disabled member who will receive food stamps).

People who have had a conviction for drug trafficking, who are fugitives from justice or escaping a court order for a serious crime are not eligible in the program. Noncitizens without qualifying status are also excluded from the eligibility guidelines, as are students who attend an institution of higher education at least half-time, in some circumstances.

SNAP Benefits Dates in Florida

Maximum SNAP Benefits You Can Receive in Florida

In Florida, the same SNAP benefit values ​​apply as in the rest of the 48 states and the District of Columbia, while in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands, the maximums are different because the costs of living there they are different. 

According to the official USDA website, these are the maximum SNAP benefit allocations, based on household size in number of people:

SNAP Benefit Payment Dates in August in Florida

In the Sunshine State, payments are sent once a month, between the 1st and 28th of each month. The payment schedule is determined by the last two digits of the beneficiary’s case number, reading first the 9th number and then the 8th.

That is, if your case number ends in 56, for example, you must look for what day the “56” group will receive the payment, which for this hypothetical case is the 17th of each month. See? It’s actually easy once you get it. 

Here is the detailed schedule for August:

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