SNAP Benefits Payments Begin in 51 States and Territories: Here Are Your Dates

Discover when your state will issue SNAP payments in July, and where you qualify or not for the $1,751 maximum allotment.

When to Expect SNAP Payments in July

When to Expect SNAP Benefits Payments in July

EBT cards are about to receive new payments recently approved in 51 states and more territories in the United States. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP Benefits, formerly known as food stamps) follows a strict payment schedule each month, as millions of families and beneficiaries across the United States depend on these financial allowances to make ends meet.

The idea of ​​the SNAP benefits program is to keep all beneficiaries away from food risk, so the amounts allocated to them are specifically oriented towards the purchase of fresh and packaged foods approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, based on studies and recommendations that are constantly analyzed by the Food and Nutrition Service.

Are the Payment Dates the Same in Every State?

Each state has the decision-making authority to manage its own payment schedule for SNAP benefits, as they best know their populations and their needs at the local level. Also, the USDA gives the power to the states to have this discretion in the management of payments so that each one can adjust to their own possibilities in terms of payment systems and so on.

All beneficiaries will receive the same amount of money every month. There are maximum limits established by the USDA for how much money a household can receive, depending, in principle, on the number of members it has, but also on other factors such as income and resources, such as bank accounts, savings, investments and property. real estate or vehicles.

Below are the maximum allocations for SNAP in the lower 48 states and DC (October 2023 to September 2024), according to the USDA website:

Income Limits to Qualify for SNAP Benefits

Another requirement that a household that wishes to receive SNAP benefits must meet is not to exceed certain income limits. This is because, as we said before, the program is intended for those low-income households. These are the income limits by household size through September 30, 2024:

Discover when your state will issue SNAP payments in July.

July SNAP Payment Dates in Every State of the USA

Having said all this, you are already wondering what the payment dates are in the different states and territories. It is not only the 51 states that receive food stamps, but also other territories attached to the United States such as the Virgin Islands, Guam and Puerto Rico.

This is the complete list of states in alphabetical order and the payment dates for the upcoming month of July 2024:

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