Food Stamps in Texas: When Will Your Snap Benefits Arrive in April 2024?

SNAP benefits in Texas are typically disbursed between the 1st and the 28th of every month.

snap Texas april 2024

Your April SNAP benefits payment dates in Texas

The administration of SNAP benefits in Texas is handled by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). This state agency manages the distribution of payments to the different groups of beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

The HHSC works in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which provides funding and guidelines for the SNAP program at the federal level. Although the funds are federal, the payment schedule is defined by each state in a particular way, and in the case of Texas, payments are made between the 1st and the 28th of each month. As of April 2024, that schedule remains unchanged.

Your Texas Food Stamps Payment Dates in April 2024

In situations where SNAP benefits are prorated at the time of application, the prorated amount and subsequent monthly allowance may be combined into a single deposit into the household’s Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account.

Please take into consideration that SNAP benefits cannot be issued beyond 40 days after the previous issue. Therefore, households whose applications were certified more than 40 days before their scheduled issue date enter an initial issue adjustment period until their benefits align with the scheduled monthly issue date.

For households certified before May 1, 2023, their existing issuance schedule remains unchanged, determined by the initial benefit certification date. However, if there is a break in benefits that lasts at least six months and the household submits the application again after May 1, 2023, a new issuance schedule is established.

Benefits are allocated to qualifying families according to the last two digits of the SNAP EDG number, which ensures that the process is organized and orderly each month, and that the payments reach each family in need on time. Below is a breakdown of the corresponding issue days:

Your food stamps payment dates in Texas

SNAP Benefit Maximums Have Increased in 2024

The maximum amounts of food stamps for the contiguous 48 states and Washington DC, valid between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024, are as follows, depending on the size of households, are as follows:

For the states of Hawaii Alaska, and for the territories of Guam and US Virgin Islands, the values are different. For example, a family of four in Alaska may choose to get $1,937 a month at most. You should check with your local SNAP office to find out how much you could get in your state.

SNAP benefits are not intended to cover the entire cost of living for a family. These benefits provide additional support for the purchase of basic foods, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products and other foods necessary for a healthy diet. However, it is important to keep in mind that SNAP benefits are usually not enough to cover all of a family’s food expenses, and therefore beneficiary families are expected to contribute part of their food budget as well.

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