Settlement Money on the Way: $1,300 Per Person in Class Action Against JK Buick GMC

Participants have until June 24 to opt-out or oppose the JK Buick GMC settlement.

buick gmc class action settlement

Final Approval Hearing Set for August 5 in JK Buick GMC Text Message Lawsuit

In April, Americans began being notified of a class action settlement arising from a lawsuit filed against JK Buick GMC, an Illinois-based automobile dealership, the lawsuit accused the dealership of sending one or more text messages on behalf of the company to people who chose not to receive text messages.

About 54 people were identified as receiving the messages despite having opted out, which the lawsuit claims violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, although the car dealership denied any wrongdoing, according to the website of the agreement, a settlement of $130,000 was reached to resolve the issue.

Eligibility and Payment Details: Who Can Receive the $1,300 Settlement?

Those eligible to receive the settlement cash are not required to do anything and are expected to receive a direct payment of $1,300, with all extra settlement funds expected to be used to cover costs including administration of the settlement. agreement, attorneys’ fees and expenses.

The final amount received may vary depending on the number of payments that are distributed. Those who do not want to participate in the agreement, or those who want to oppose it, have until June 24 to choose not to receive the direct payment.

With the final approval hearing for the settlement scheduled for August 5, all people who qualify for payments should have received a notice identifying them as members of the settlement class who received unsolicited dialed text messages. Anyone with questions about the settlement should contact class counsel Christopher E. Roberts of Butsch Roberts & Associates LLC at 314-863–5700.

People can also contact attorney James X. Bormes at 312-332-0600.

Did You Get an Unwanted Text from JK Buick GMC? Here’s How to Claim Your $1,300

Other Class Action Settlements Proceeding

There are several other class action settlements that have upcoming deadlines to claim some cash.
There are only hours left to claim part of a massive $2.235 million privacy settlement that claims phone company Pacific Bell violated California labor laws.

The beneficiaries must have worked for the company between April 10, 2018 and March 21, 2024 to be included in the agreement.
Residents of the state of California who worked for Amazon may also qualify for a class action lawsuit for salary and housing that has accused the e-commerce giant of violating state laws.

Qualified participants must have worked for Amazon between July 22, 2017 and November 7, 2023 to Sue for part of the $3.6 million settlement.

By other On the other hand, an important deadline to claim part of a massive $181 million settlement has been pushed back.
Now, the plaintiffs have time until the day June 30 to file a claim for part of the settlement that requires major poultry companies to pay.

The agreement pops up of accusations that the companies conspired to raise chicken prices.

To qualify for the agreement, participants in more than 20 states must have purchased chicken products between January 1, 2009 and July 31, 2019.

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