Claim Your $565 Payment from $3 Million Amazon Class Action Lawsuit Settlement – Deadline Coming Soon

Amazon reaches $3 million settlement in labor lawsuit: detailed overview of compensation for eligible workers

amazon class action lawsuit settlement

Amazon Settles for $3 Million: California Workers Can Claim Payments

Hundreds of Americans will be able to claim a portion of the payment from the class action lawsuit against Amazon in California, only if they meet certain requirements. This is an advance in labor rights after an agreement that Amazon accepted in California for 3 million dollars that will benefit employees. This agreement applies to those employees who worked between July 22, 2017 and November 7, 2023 and who can now claim a payment of up to $565.43, if eligible.

The class action lawsuit, filed under the name Kryzhanovskiy, et al. v. Services Inc., et al., Case No. 2:21-cv-01292-BAM in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, alleges the company violated state labor laws. The plaintiffs claim the company did not correctly calculate overtime pay in weeks when employees received a signing bonus. According to current law in the state of California, regular wages serve as the basis for calculating overtime and these bonuses should have been included.

Amazon Denies the Charges and Will Still Pay

Although the company did not admit any wrongdoing, it agreed to settle the class action lawsuit by paying $3 million. This amount will be used to compensate employees whose salaries have been affected by unpaid overtime.
The following people are eligible:

How Much Will Each Qualifying Person Receive in This Class Action Lawsuit Against Amazon?

Each member who joined the class action class will receive an approximate payment of $565.43, based on the most recent one. But the amount will change based on the individual calculation of overtime owed. You are not required to fill out any claim forms to benefit from the settlement. Those who do not opt ​​out of the group will automatically receive payment.

The deadline to opt out of the settlement or file objections is June 17, 2024. Class members who want to opt out must do so before this date to avoid receiving payment and maintain their right to take separate legal action. The final approval hearing for the agreement is scheduled for September 10, 2024.

Amazon Agrees to $3 Million Settlement: Employees Eligible for $565.43

How to get more info about this class action lawsuit?

For more details about the agreement and the claim process, employees can visit the official website You may also contact the claims administrator, Atticus Administration, by mail at PO Box 64053, St. Paul, MN 55164, or by email at The phone number available for inquiries is 888-234-7088.

Class attorneys Robert J. Wassermann and Jenny D. Baysinger of MAYALL HURLEY PC represent the plaintiffs, while the defense is handled by Bradley J. Hamburger and Lauren M. Blas of GIBSON DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP.

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