We’ve all experienced those annoying telemarketing calls that offer us things we don’t need, at the most inopportune hours when we’re eating dinner, on the way to work, or just watching our favorite Netflix shows, right?
Well, you ever received one of those boring calls from 1-800-PACK-RAT customer service while you were residing or in California between September 27, 2021 and October 10, 2022, you may be able to receive money from a class action settlement. That’s right, this is a great opportunity for you!
What is it about?
A California court has authorized a settlement in the class-action lawsuit titled McKeehan v. 1-800-PACK-RAT, LLC, case number 37-2022-00038509-CU-BT-NC in San Diego Superior Court, south of the Golden State (yes, that’s why the famous San Francisco bridge is called that ).
The lawsuit alleges that 1-800-PACK-RAT violated California laws by recording phone calls without the consent of the people they called. Although the defendant company denies doing anything illegal, both sides have decided to resolve the dispute to avoid the costs and uncertainties of protracted litigation.

You Have Rights and Options in This Class Action Lawsuit
Here we explain how you can participate and what steps you should follow if you are one of those affected and believe you deserve to receive a compensation payment.
If you want to receive a payment, be sure to read this notice carefully to learn how to file a claim. It is essential that you submit your claim form before August 7, 2024; otherwise you will not receive payment.
Opt Out of the Agreement:
If you do not want to participate in the agreement, you must send a letter requesting exclusion by August 7, 2024. If you do not do so, you will be bound by the terms of the agreement.
File an Objection:
If you have any objection to the agreement, you can raise it by following the instructions in this notice. The deadline to do so is August 7, 2024.
Participate in the Hearing:
If you file a timely objection, you can also indicate whether you want to appear in court during the final fairness hearing, scheduled for October 4, 2024.
Important Dates You Should Not Forget
- Exclusion Deadline: Wednesday, August 7, 2024
- Deadline to file objections: Wednesday, August 7, 2024
- Deadline for claim form: Wednesday, August 7, 2024
- Final Fairness Hearing Date: Friday, October 4, 2024
Who Can Receive Payments?
If you received calls in any of the following California telephone areas, you may be eligible for a payment: 209, 213, 279, 310, 323, 341, 350, 369, 408, 415, 424, 442, 510, 530, 559, 562, 619, 626, 628, 650, 657, 661, 669, 707, 714, 747, 760, 805, 818, 820, 831, 840, 858, 909, 916, 925, 949, and 951.
According to the specialized website classactions.org, each person affected by these calls can access the specialized website of the class action settlement https://www.prcallrecordingsettlement.com/.